iNymbus is presenting at RVCF on Wed., Nov. 8 at 10:30AM in the Grand Canyon Room 9-11 and showing how cloud-enabled robotic automation can help consumer products companies quickly clear their books and bring their chargebacks and deductions current, with minimal amount of work. Companies will learn how to stop losing hard-earned sales to Amazon, Walmart, Target and other vendor partners.
The iNymbus panel will provide answers to these deductions and chargeback questions:
All session attendees will be entered to win an iPad, which will be awarded at the end of the session (winner must be present). In addition, RVCF attendees can stop by the iNymbus RVCF show booth #23, and be entered to win yet a second iPad (winner NEED NOT be present).
Contact us if you’d like to meet us at the booth for a demo of our amazing and easy to implement cloud robotic automation technology.