Still manually processing each deduction and chargeback claim one at a time? We’ve got a better idea.
Did you know in the year 2022 retailers issued more deduction and chargeback claims against suppliers than in any other year to date? If you’re like many of the retail suppliers we’ve come to know, you too may find yourself drowning in a sea of aging deductions and chargebacks with what can feel like no end in sight. But we’ve got good news. It doesn’t have to be this way.
We’ve developed a cloud based, highly customizable ar automation software that has the ability to radically transform the way your AR and Finance teams manage deductions and chargebacks!

Our DeductionsXChange Platform utilizes the best in AI and RPA technology to bring you a 100% automated chargeback management solution that makes chargeback and deduction management a breeze. Our robots are trained to gather, analyze, sort, and submit data on your behalf - just like a human would - in a fraction of the time.
And the best part? Our platform requires zero manual effort on your end and can be implemented into your current tech stack in just 4-6 weeks.

Schedule a demo to learn more about the benefits of accounts receivable automation and how you too can start saving time and money today!