Introducing A 100% Automated Chargeback Management System Designed To Make Chargeback And Deductions Management A Breeze!
Did you know in the year 2022, retailers like Walmart and Amazon issued more chargeback and deduction claims against retail suppliers than in any other year to date? Through the use of advanced AI and Computer technology these large corporate retailers are now able to issue claims at lightning-like speeds leaving many retail suppliers struggling to keep up.
But don’t worry. We do have good news.
In utilizing the absolute best in both RPA and AI technology, iNymbus has developed a 100% automated, highly customizable solution that can save you from the headache that comes with deductions and chargeback management.

Our DeductionsXChange Program is designed to harness the power of this revolutionary technology and adapt it to meet your company’s unique needs.
And the best news? It can be fully integrated into your current tech stack in as little as 4-6 weeks. That’s right. It can be implemented into your deductions management process without changing the infrastructure or systems that you already have in place.
Schedule a demo to find out how you too can start saving time and money by automating chargeback responses today!