Credit and Customer Operations Departments have attempted to solve the problem of Retailer and Shipper deductions and chargebacks for years, wasting manpower and brainpower copying transaction back and forth between complex and every-changing systems. Staff augmentation, seasonal temps, software packages, and outsourcing are familiar bandaids for this problem, but these solutions don't work.
Editor's Note: This blog post was originally posted in 2018 and the frustration with chargebacks and deductions is more relevant as ever. Click here to learn more.
The technology investment and size of retailers and shippers who use automation to take every single chargeback and deduction possible, outpace vendors time and time again.
But there's a different way to deal with chargebacks and deductions, and even bring them down to zero and keep them there. It's actually relatively simple: fight technology with technology using cloud robotic automation.
Last week, iNymbus presented in Seattle, WA in association with the National Association of Credit Management (NACM) where we went into detail on how businesses can arm themselves with the same kind of technology that shipping and retailer giants such as FedEx, Amazon, and Walmart have been using for years.
Download the full presentation to learn how costs can be reduced enormously (typically by 80%) and processing time for deductions and chargebacks can increase by 30x the speed!