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Webinar: How to Automate Shipping Carrier Freight Claims Processing - Registration Now Open!

| August 7, 2019

Supplier Community Shipping Claims Webinar

We are excited to be hosting our second webinar session with Supplier Community, a resource center for suppliers, entitled “How to Automate Shipping Carrier Freight Claims Processing.”


The session will address the problems suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors face dealing with shipping carrier freight claims deductions.  Attendees will learn why traditional solutions such as staff augmentation, temporary workers, outsourcing, and software packages simply do not work as a means to control tedious and endless claims from carriers like FedEx, UPS, and others.  Utilizing Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to automatically dispute and resolve shipper freight claims is the only real, longterm solution. Imagine processing more than 25,000 shipping claims per day, without having to do anything!

The free webinar session will be held on Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 9:00AM PST.
Register HERE.


For a session sneak peek and to learn more about how to automatically process shipper carrier deductions, download our case study on D&H Distributing to learn how they drastically reduced deductions, saved time, and reallocated resources using iNymbus!


Download iNymbus PDF Now "D&H Distributing Case Study"

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