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Strategies for Preventing and Resolving Chargebacks and Deductions in 2022
Author - Tyler Burns | Mar 09, 2022 | Prevention

Many distributors and vendors treat customer chargebacks and deductions (or at least a portion of them) as the cost of doing business. But it doesn’t have to be this way! It is possible to both prevent the likelihood of their occurrences, as well as ...

Resolve Chargebacks and Deductions Swiftly with RPA
Author - Tyler Burns | Feb 23, 2022 | Insider | Prevention | Supplier

Manufacturers and vendors are losing revenue at an alarming rate. This lost revenue stems from repeated non-payment by major retailers. And, worse, it can seem impossible to reverse the trend. Yet: reversal is possible.

Understanding Manufacturer Chargebacks & Deductions: iNymbus

Part of running a manufacturing company involves knowing how to manage operational challenges effectively. Manufacturing CEOs are among the many business leaders predicting continued volatility in the industry. To stay competitive, you need every ...

Automate the Last Mile in Customer Deductions Processing
Author - Tyler Burns | Dec 08, 2021 |

Are customer deductions from retail giants like Amazon eating into your business’ bottom lines? Attempting to stay ahead of customer deductions with manual processes can seem daunting and frustrating as sales soar.

Automated and Streamlined Supplier Processing for Retailer Deductions
Author - Tyler Burns | Oct 27, 2021 | Insider | I.T. | Prevention

Retailer deductions pose challenges that any supplier and distributor to a large retailer will know well. Whether you call them chargebacks, short-pay, or deductions, these claims put significant dents in suppliers’ profit margins, and leave them with ...

Assessing the True Costs of Retailer Chargebacks and Deductions
Author - Tyler Burns | Sep 22, 2021 | Insider | I.T. | Amazon | Prevention | Supplier

Frustrated by aging chargebacks and deductions, we often speak with A/R and Finance teams attempting to keep up with AI-powered retailer portals and systems. In our blog this week, we will look at how org leaders can assess the true cost of retailer ...

How Deduction Management Software Can Benefit Your eCommerce Business
Author - Tyler Burns | Sep 01, 2021 | Insider | Amazon | Prevention

Deduction management is an arduous process for every eCommerce business especially those that sell their products through large retailers like Amazon.