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Bots for Hire: Automating Amazon Deductions for You

| October 28, 2020


Robotic Process Automation from iNymbus was specifically made to handle retailer deductions and chargebacks. Here's my perspective on how you can add them to your team today.

Shortages, Deductions, and the Price of Cost Recovery

Working in sales at iNymbus gives me a chance to speak with people across a variety of roles on the impact of retailer deductions to their business. Speak with anyone in credit,  finance, eCommerce, or sales and you'll hear the same grumblings-- it is time consuming and tedious!

Teams work hard to resolve and recover revenue deducted from your  payments . In working with our customers, we see this represents on average over 80% of Amazon deductions. Deliver anything outside of the correct  minute, packaging, or quantity and expect a nominal deduction. Multiply this across hundreds, if not, thousands of orders  and you're looking at a hefty dollar sum.

The common response in attempting to scale this challenge is to work overtime, build larger departments, or launch large IT expansion projects. We have found that using lightweight RPA Bots (robotic process automation) specifically targeted to address retailer deductions and chargebacks is the key to tackling this problem.

The Challenge of More Amazon and eCommerce Business

Due to recent COVID restrictions, companies have experienced an growth  of their Amazon and  Walmart.com business. While they are enjoying the uptick in business, there are those who are concerned about the time consuming process to resolve the incoming deductions and chargebacks. All teams touching the order fulfillment process are impacted by helping collect documents manually from numerous portals, ERP, WMS, and carrier systems.

RPA Bots: The Silent Worker

With iNymbus, the task of researching and gathering documents is done automatically with RPA. A process that normally takes hours can be finished in a fraction of time through a number of methods. From there the bots will do the following:

Documents are Centralized and Matched - order and deduction data is all aggregated and displayed on your iNymbus dashboard. You can access and export data from one place, making analysis and reporting simpler.

Claims are Analyzed and Auto-Resolved and Disputed - RPA bots analyze and dispute claims for you in the Vendor Central portal. Goodbye manual work!

Working any retailer deductions is often a tedious and time-consuming task. RPA automation is the solution to this quickly scaling your processing power and addressing this challenge. Employing automation is easier than ever, the first step is requesting a demo to see the technology first hand.

Deduction Management Software Call CTA

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