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    Amazon Chargebacks and How to Cut Processing Costs

    By : SP
    | September 13, 2018

    SANTA MONICA, CA (PRWEB), September 10, 2018

    iNymbus today released a Case Study for Amazon Vendors detailing how a large book distributor was able to cut chargeback and deduction processing costs by 80%.

    iNymbus today released a Case Study for Amazon Vendors entitled ‘Amazon Chargebacks: How to Cut Processing Costs by 80%,’ describing how a large book distributor successfully uses cloud robotic processing to bring their chargebacks and deductions to zero.

    Amazon was posing increasing problems for a book distributor by rapidly eating into their already razor thin margins with deductions and chargebacks. Amazon vendors are familiar with the unique challenges in Amazon Vendor Central, including dealing with the super-efficient rate and volume Amazon applies deductions and chargebacks on their suppliers.

    Says Sreedhar Narahari, CEO of iNymbus and creator of DeductionsXChange, “Suppliers and Distributors working these deductions and chargebacks have to go through many, detailed steps to dispute and provide proper evidence for denials. Amazon provides elaborate procedures for each deduction type and chargeback type. Our vendors find that multi-page documentation exists just to define procedures and chargebacks related to ASN accuracy.”

    Additionally, Amazon’s chargeback machine doesn’t care if a chargeback is five cents or five dollars. Every single chargeback is just as important and weighted just as high as the next one. For suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors, working Amazon deductions and chargebacks creates departmental pressure, is tedious and time consuming, and does not seem to be worth the human capital.

    The iNymbus Case Study details how a large book distributor was able to fight Amazon chargebacks using cloud robotic automation to process deductions quickly and automatically. Narahari’s answer is simple, “Nothing will work to combat the robots used by large retailers, except the same technology, re-engineered right back at them!” In other words, for Amazon to be so efficient and timely, it must use robots and systems, not people. This same technology is accessible to every Amazon Vendor, allowing them to dispute chargebacks and deductions equally quickly and smoothly.

    Get the complete PDF iNymbus case study to learn how a book distributor implemented robotic processing and brought their Amazon chargebacks to zero.

    About iNymbus DeductionsXchange

    iNymbus DeductionsXchange resolves and disputes deductions and chargebacks automatically, while increasing speed and efficiency by 30X. DeductionsXchange introduces cloud robotic automation to the process of uploading denied claim packets to retail vendor portals and submits disputes on the customer’s behalf. Not only are processing costs reduced dramatically via elimination of manual labor, sales are increased by enabling companies to take back revenue from previously invalid and undisputed chargebacks and deductions.

    About iNymbus

    iNymbus creates cloud-based, back-office solutions designed to automate resource-heavy, finance processes, thereby increasing its clients operating efficiencies. Serving both Equipment Manufacturers and CPG companies, iNymbus solutions leverage the SaaS model and are platform agnostic. This means they can be implemented into existing, company platforms free of capital, infrastructure, and maintenance investments.

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