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New Presentation Available! Using RPA to Improve Employee Engagement
By - Amanda Berger | Mar 10, 2020 | Amazon | Walmart

In our latest webinar by presenter Rohit Patel, Credit & Collections Expert and Consultant, we covered how your A/R team can utilize RPA technology to improve employee engagement.

[Press Release] New Whitepaper: Distribution Company Uses Automation to Improve Freight Claims Processing
By - Amanda Berger | Feb 27, 2020 | Press

iNymbus today released a whitepaper detailing how robotic automation can be used to solve traditional claims processing issues.

[Webinar] Unique Solutions to Automate Retailer Chargeback & Deduction Processing
By - Amanda Berger | Feb 17, 2020 | Amazon | Walmart

Please join iNymbus and Supplier Community for our upcoming webinar entitled "Using RPA to Improve Employee Engagement: Unique Solutions to Automate Retailer Chargeback & Deduction Processing" on ...

Preventing and Resolving Retailer Deduction & Chargeback Claims
By - Sreedhar Narahari | Feb 10, 2020 | Prevention

Many manufacturers, distributors and suppliers treat retailer deductions and chargebacks (or at least a portion of them) as the cost of doing business. However, it is possible to both prevent the ...

New Whitepaper: How to Automate Shipping Carrier Freight Claims Processing
By - Amanda Berger | Jan 27, 2020 | Amazon | Walmart | News

Distributor or supplier A/R teams will tell you, manual freight claims processing is a frustrating endeavor. It also wastes valuable human capital as handling claims from shippers like FedEx and UPS ...

Press Release: eGame Distributor Automates Retailer Shortage and Returns Claims to Recover Lost Revenue
By - Amanda Berger | Jan 21, 2020 | Press

iNymbus today released a Case Study for Walmart and Costco Distributors detailing how to recover lost revenue due to invalid shortage and returns claims.

Top Blog Posts of 2019: Retailer and Shipper Claims News and Information
By - Amanda Berger | Dec 30, 2019 | Amazon | Walmart | News

The iNymbus blog is a reflection of our commitment to solving manufacturer, distributor, and supplier problems such as retailer shortages, chargebacks, pricing, and returns processing issues with ...

New Case Study: Large eGame Distributor Recovers Lost Revenue from Walmart & Costco
By - Amanda Berger | Dec 18, 2019 | Amazon | Walmart | News

If you are in the business of sending product to retailers, you are familiar with deduction claims and their impact. Financially they erode your bottom line, emotionally they drain your A/R team, and ...

Black Friday/Cyber Monday Aftermath: Returns Variance Processing Presentation Now Available!
By - Amanda Berger | Dec 04, 2019 | I.T. | Amazon | Shipper | Walmart

A few days ago, Cyber Monday 2019 was the biggest shopping day in Amazon history. Across the internet, sales records were smashed with close to 10 billion dollars spent online by U.S. consumers. ...

Why Large RPA Companies Aren't The Best Strategy for Chargeback & Deduction Processing
By - Sreedhar Narahari | Dec 02, 2019 | I.T. | rpa

Industries growing from humble beginnings as fledgling start-ups to massive corporate conglomerates is not a new phenomenon. Throughout consumer history, companies from all fields have transformed ...